// Highlight the title
echo '
' . $item->title . '
// Split the content into sentences
$sentences = preg_split('/(?<=[.?!])\s+(?=[a-z])/i', $item->description);
// Extract the first 5 sentences of the content
$preview = implode(' ', array_slice($sentences, 0, 5));
// Add three dots at the end of the preview, if necessary
if (count($sentences) > 5) {
$last_char = substr($preview, -1);
if ($last_char != '.') {
$preview .= '...';
} else {
$preview .= '..';
echo $preview;
// If there are more than 5 sentences, add a "Read More" link
if (count($sentences) > 5) {
echo '
Read more';
// Close the box around the post
echo '
// Written on September 22, 2021