2022-11-18 18:16:54 +00:00
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< html lang = "en" >
< head >
< title > Site Directory - Snowcake< / title >
< link rel = "icon" type = "image/x-icon" href = "/assets/images/favicon.png" >
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< h1 > Site Directory< / h1 >
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< a href = "/" class = "button" > 🏠 Back to Home< / a >
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< div class = "content" >
< h2 > Core< / h2 >
< p > 1. < a href = "/" > Homepage< / a > - The page you are first greeted with when you visit the site< / p >
< br >
< p > 2. < a href = "/site-directory" > Site Directory< / a > - The page you are viewing right now< p >
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< p > 3. < a href = "https://dash.snowcake.me" > Server Info< / a > - Live server statistics< / p >
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< p > 4. < a href = "/posts" > Posts< / a > - Rants, thoughts, and more< / p >
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< p > 5. < a href = "/media" > Media< / a > - A collection of random images, videos, and other miscellaneous files< / p >
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< p > 6. < a href = "https://git.snowcake.me" > Gitea< / a > - My own Gitea instance, which hosts projects that i'm working on, including this website< / p >
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< p > 7. < a href = "/ip-info" > IP Info< / a > - View information about your WAN IP address< / p >
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